

Chapter 5 has been a bit updated and things are starting to move along in the story. Tell me what you think.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Chapter 2

The clouds were gathering, darkening. Looked like rain. Rain would turn the already precarious back hill roads deadly; That wouldnt be good, nobody ever came back on these roads - few people even knew they existed. She couldnt even remember how she´d found them. they were useful though. They cut miles off of any route. Come to think of it, she´d never even seen another car on the road since she´d started using them. Bah. She jumped as a large drop splattered on the windsreen. "Oh noooo..." she groaned inwardly. Now it would be dark AND wet.

She tried to manuver along the fastly slicking roads, but the more she tried to gain control the more her small ford spun wildly out of it. She started to freak. Could this be her worst fear, materializing right before her eyes?

The ford raced along the road at an unearthly speed, fishtailing, it seemed, every other second. She couldnt see a thing as the rain flooded her windsreen. She sucked in her breath sharply and bit her lip as she slammed her foot down on the breaks again and again. Finally the ford seemed to respond and began straining against the slick asphalt. The car fishtailed even more wildly and began to spin in circles before skidding to a halt in silence.

The rain was pouring down and she could barely make out anything more than a few feet away in the flood of her headlights.
She slowly calmed her breathing and she debated what to do. She was so emerssed in her thoughts, she didnt notice the two figures that had stepped silently into the beam of her headlight.
She looked up and gasped, cathing sight of the two male figures. Her eyes locked with those of the taller male. She felt a strange pull deep in the pit of her stomach and she fumbled to open the side door. As she stepped out, the rain suddenly began to dwindle till it resembled a fine mist. Standing by the door of her car, she took them both in. Dark, wavy hair hung damply around the taller male´s shoulders and framed his high cheekbones and chissled jaw that sported a slight shaddow of stubble. His full lips were slightly pursed in quiet cautiousness, yet his eyes were calm. His eyes - an elecrtic green sprinkled wtih golden brown flecks - burned into her own sky blue eyes. She had to look away. His skin was a flawless olive tint.

He wore a ruffled loose white shirt over blak jeans, overed by a stiff high collared black leather trench that rustled against the asphalt when he moved. Black leather gloves covered his hands, his highly polished sliver-buckled boots scuffed against pebbles as he took a step closer to her. Emily instinctivly stepped back a pace, but he didnt advance any further. She looked back up to his face; he was beautiful, and he had a strange glow about him.

She turned her attentions to the other silent figure. He was dressd similar to the other except that the leather trench was replaced by a loth one. The skin on his face was a waxy white - almost transparent, she thought to herself. He had a pointed chin and a slim, almost delicate face, slightly thin pale pinkish lips, a thin nose and high cheekbones. His eyes, to the contrary, were enormous. His features made him look like an innocent child. those large, round, wondering eyes. Violet eyes. Eyes filled with hunger and greed, and, lust. Lust for her!

A slow, leering grin stretched over his lips, revealing what seemed to be razor sharp, pointed teeth. He began to step forward, but the other put a hand out to stop him. Dissapointment flashed in his eyes for a split second, then dissapeared. He flicked a strand of straight black hair behind his ear, and turned as if to go, looking to the otehr for a moment, as if for some sign of approval. Then he dissapeared into the darkness.

Emily stood, rooted to the spot, her breath coming in short gasps, her heart hammering against her ribs as the tall dark figure approahed her. Stopping a few inches away, he slowly bit his right forefinger, piercing the skin. A bead of blood formed and began to trickle down teh side of his finger. Emily followed the crimson rivulette, riveted, hypnotized. He lifted his finger then, and pressed it against her temple.

"Welome home, sister.." the words echoed in her mind as she lost conciousness.

The figure stooped, gently lifting her, and carried her toward a deep violet porche. he placed her in teh passangers seet, and then reclined it. he motioned to the other figure, who stood silently next to the porche, who proceeded to climb into Emily´s small ford. The engines roared and they dissapeared into the night.


Boo ya said...

vampires? oh how exciting.

Anonymous said...

you probably should have someone check you on yer grammar too methinks. :D