

Chapter 5 has been a bit updated and things are starting to move along in the story. Tell me what you think.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Chapter 5: part 1 - UPDATED

(I decided to post the first part of chapter 5, because I´m a bit stuck. Dont worry, I know where the story line´s going... but you know, one thing flowing to the next. Working on it tho!)

He found her intriguing. he had no idea why - she wasn´t that special. A thin, waif-like creature, she looked like she ould barely hold herself up. Obviously she could, though, as her fluid movements broguht her crouch to a stand. The glint in her eye as her eyes bored into his was almost disconcerting, which was a mite disturbing. Nothing a human could do should bother him, buch less one as seemingly harmeless as this one.
He´d caught Emily´s eye as she´d left the room. He was almost surprised at the naked jealousy he´d seen there - almost. He´d expected it, though.. It was meant to happen like this. Her attraction was needed if his goal was to be fulfilled. Yet, this female before him, he felt that, somehow, this couldnt be good.

She ran her tongue over her top lip, slowly, lustfully, her eyes raking him from top to bottom. Simon repossessed the girls arm and yanked her back when she took a step forward, advancing on Jarol. Her head hung for half a second before she dared to look up again.
"What is it that you want?" Jarol said, quietly. the scent from the girl was overpowering him, and it was all he could do to control his thirst. It shouldnt be like this. He´d had centuries to learn the iron control he´d usually been able to boast of. The fire in the girl´s eyes jumped, for a split second, to a cresendo as she said breathily, "You."

"Im sorry...?"
"You, Jarol Scaryn. I want you."
Jarol was taken aback. "Me? But why the...?"
"You know the prophecy..." the glint in her eye was unmistakeable. She was waiting for his reaciton.

A dead cold shiver, colder than his immortal, dead flesh, ran through his body as he tried to pull his composure back together. It only lasted a split second, but she caught it. The sly smile grew a fraction, and her eyes bored deeper into his. Jarol shook his head, trying to regain reason. This was madness, surely. The assuraty grew in him till he fully believed it, and then the laughter came. Slowly at first, bur it rose till it rumbled and he wiped his eyes or the corner of his shirt sleeve. Anger flashed in the girl´s eyes.

"What, you think I´m JOKING?" She snapped.
"Honestly, yes, my dear. You have serious gut waltzing into the center of a Vampire Crypt, and expect to leave with your life intact, unless, of course, you are, as I am beginning to believe, entirely deluded, and are actually serious with your desire to become, a Vampire?"

Her eyes smouldered as they bored into his. "I know the prophecy." She spat. "I´ve known it since I was a child. I dare say I know it better than you."
"Simon took a warning step forward and she shot a withering glare at him,d aring him to take another step. Jarol shook his head, and motioned for Simon to take her away. He couldn´t stand the scent anymore. It was far too inviting. He needed to feed as is, and he thanked sweet immortality that Simon had just returned from a hunt. HE wouldnt have any trouble with the girl.


Simon hauled the frail girl along the hall and up a spiral staircase, down another hall, and through a solid oak door into a dark, bare room. She started up threataningly, and Simon let out a sharp laugh, his red eyes flashing dangerously in her direction. Reason seemed to overtake her for a second and she fell back, sitting on the edge of the large bed in the center of the room. Simon, seeing that she was contained, left and locked the door.

The early evening moonlight was the only thing that lit the room now, the gentle rays splashed across the bed and the single armchair sitting in the corner.  She sat herself, lotis positioned, in the center of the bed, her head hung down almost to her lap, her arms splayed out before her as if prostrate before someone. A low chanted mumble dribbled from her lips as her body started to shake. A gust of wind picked up through the window whipping the curtains and pulling at her hair. Her body began to shake as the shaddows infront of her darkened and began to take a misty shape. Smoky wings unfolded behind the immages shoulders and an icy breath brushed against her cheek. 

"Master..." she breathed, and sucked in her breath as a razorblade thin line of pain slid down her jaw and she felt the warm slick feel of blood trickling down her chin.

"My pet," the mirage breathed, its dark, whispy hand outstretched, smoky finger trailing down the line of blood on her chin. The mirage shivvered for a moment, before the immage grew stronger and more tangible. 

"Your very essence strengthens me yet." the thin, chalky white lips sighed.

"Thank you, my master," she replied, all the while keeping her head lowered. She refused to ever look in his eyes. He wanted her to. He wanted her soul. He could see it so clearly, through those liquid green eyes, so tangible, so reachable... She did not want him to have it. She wanted it for herself. She wanted the power he could give her...

"Obedient, yes, you have been very obedient..." she dared a glance up at the "master". He was gazing distantly out the moon-lit window. She raised her head , more boldly, to look at him straight on. His head suddenly whiped about and in a millisecond his eyes locked with hers. A panicked gasp fluttered off her lips and he chuckled. 

"I am not going to steal your soul my pet. Not just yet;" a sigh of relief  from the girl, "but," it was cut short. Her eyes flashed with worry and his smile became slightly softer. "No need to worry my pet, no need to worry." he raised his hand towards her, slowly, and her posture softened as she visibly relaxed.

"Why so jumpy? I only wish to reward you." He reached his hand further, touching her jaw line where he had parted the skin, again running his finger down the length of the wound. It closed, healing itself, but leaving a thin raised scar, shining blue-white in the moonlight. 

"A rememberance..." he breathed. Again, the distant look. He was silent for a moment. And she reached a hand up to the scar, gingerly testing for pain. There was none. He came back to the present and continued.

"I wish to reward you my pet. You have done well, so far. Might I give you a gift to further your advantage?" His arched eyebrows raised in question. She mutely nodded and he smiled. 
"I see your hesitation in your eyes, my dear.You need not worry. You can only be better. Yet, this IS irriversable. Unless you wish to remain as you are...?"

She shook her head swiftly back and forth, finally finding her tongue. "Master, reward me. I wish it."

"Very good then. Now..." The hand that had rested on her cheek till now slipped up to her forehead, the pressure of his cold hand on her head increased and she felt a heat begin to flow through her mind, down her neck and through each part of her. Her eyes unfocused and everything became a tingling, hot blur. She felt his other arm grab her around her waist as he stood forward and pushed her down onto the bed, his weight pressing down on top of her. Her eyes closed as lights flashed behind her lids. She gave into his passion willingly, as the searing heat overtook her. She had waited a long time for this...


Rhyden said...

yess finally you put something up
good girl. keep it coming.

Anonymous said...

ummmmm chapter 4 seems to be missing somehow....

Anonymous said...

hey cmon update! this is cool...

Rhyden said...

Kind of a bizzare twist here, quick post another update so we will know where this twist is going to take us.